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Nuria Yáñez-Bouza

Coordinator, PI
Senior Research Fellow Ramón y Cajal
University of Vigo
+34 986 81 87 77
APU project
Nuria will carry out a number of tasks in her role as Coordinator/PI of the project, including:
- Admin-related tasks to do with the Research and Finance Office.
- Selection of scripts that make up the corpus.
- Supervision of the research assistants.
- Data verification.
- Database management.
- Liaison with the IT team: online interface, corpus versions/format, etc.
- Preparation of a school learning-pack based on the project’s materials, for dissemination at the workshop and the open lecture series.
- Preparation of the corpus user manual.
- Preparation of the entry for CoRD (Corpus Resource Database).
- Participation in national and international conferences.
- Post-project publications.
- Maintenance of the APU website.
- Research on the alleged legacy of eighteenth-century prescriptive rules on pre-National Curriculum grammar writing. She will examine a representative number of eighteenth-century grammars specifically written for schools and will investigate the most recurrent prescriptive grammatical rules. She will then examine whether these features are given special attention in the APU basal readers, and whether they stand out in the writings by Year-6 schoolchildren.